The videos you'll find here are all from my own personal private home video collection that I'm posting so my members can experience all my naughty sexual adventures first hand. I launched my site in 2003 so some of the videos are older but there's no need to worry about quality. As of 2016 I have digitally remastered all of my videos so you get to experience them at todays higher quality standards. In addition to remastering them I deliver my videos to you using highly sophisticated adaptive bit rate streaming which senses your connection speed and delivers the very best quality stream your connection can handle without buffering. It also supports any device or OS whether it's a phone, tablet or desktop computer. Feel free to take a look at any of the videos below to sample the quality of the videos on your device, the quality you see here in my free guest area is the same quality you will experience in my members area. As of now, all my new videos are being shot in stunningly clear 4K resolution so you almost feel like you're right there in the middle of the action. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm always looking for people to be in my videos with me so if you're interested Contact Me here and tell me a little about yourself. ~Kisses, Allie

I swear I’m such a slut! It’s pretty bad when you totally forget about some of your sexual adventures from the past until you’re reminded when you see the photos or videos a year later. I’ve done this a couple of times in the last few months while searching through my box of video and photo discs looking for some good stuff to add to my site. Earlier in the week I was feeling extremely horny so I asked Jake to take some pics of me fucking one of my favorite toys. I figured I could get off and get some photos for the...
I'm sure everyone has seen the video I posted a while back where I met one of my members at a local hotel and proceeded to spend the rest of the evening getting my pussy slammed by his huge fucking cock! Well, after several hours and numerous orgasms Jake finally got to take his turn with me. As if I didn’t already have enough fun and orgasms fucking Stu now I was going to get even more dick! Wow, this was definitely my lucky night! The video itself isn't very long because Jake had a hell of a time holding back his load...
I think everyone's really gonna love these photos! My poor defenseless husband was minding his own business trying to take a nap when he was accosted by two busty blondes craving some action. Jake and I had just arrived at Julie's after spending all day on a plane. We decided to take a quick nap to recharge so we'd be ready for some fun that evening. Julie and I retreated to the guest bedroom to nap together and we left Jake with the master all to himself. There really wasn't any napping going on in the guest bedroom since...
Remember last week when I told you about meeting some old friends in Miami? Jake and I were in town on a business trip for a few days when we ran into Sammy and Brett at a local night spot. Unfortunately they had plans first thing the following morning so they had to call it a night kinda early. We exchanged numbers and promised to hook-up later in the week for some hot group sex! Sammy and Brett came over to our hotel a couple days later and we had one hell of a fucking good time. Every time we get together with another...
From what I've read in my journal it looks like quite a few of you guys caught this action live on my voyeur cams last Friday night. So, you may already know that our friends Anna and Bruce stopped by our place for some hot wife swapping action, or as I like to call it husband swapping. It was so great seeing the two of them again. Anna and I were hanging out in the bedroom just catching up, we had a lot to talk about because it had been a while since we last got together with them. That’s when Bruce and Jake got back from...
I hooked up with my girlfriend Vanilla, again! You know I'd never miss an opportunity to slide my tongue up her sweet tasting slit. When she invited me to spend the day hanging out at her house I had a pretty good idea what she had planned for us. We were watching television in the bedroom but we couldn't seem to find anything interesting to watch. That's when Vanilla said she had a really good movie she thought I'd enjoy. The moment she started it up it was obvious what type of movie we'd be watching. She had grabbed one of...
Hey guys, it's Jake here. Allie mentioned that she received a lot of great feedback when I wrote the commentary to go along with the photos from one of our hot threesomes a while back. Since everyone seemed to enjoy hearing about things from my perspective last time around she's asked me to do it again. I attended a business convention in Arizona this past spring and Allie decided to come along. I had to spend most of my time in meetings and seminars but Allie managed to take advantage of her free time by hanging out at the...
Wow! Talk about getting a facial. Today was laundry day and I was in the process of hanging up some clothes when Jake popped into the closet looking for a little action. He gives me his famous line, "Hey baby I'm horny as hell today. Could I get a quick blow job?" Yeah, that's the same line I hear from him just about every day of the week, at least once a day. Lucky for him, I love sucking cock so much that I’m usually down on my knees pulling his pants off before he even finishes asking. The pleasure is two-fold...